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Savage Heart [Savage Island 1] by Cree Storm & Maggie Walsh

Savage Heart [Savage Island 1] by Cree Storm & Maggie Walsh


Warning: Cree and Maggie had wanted this book to be a stand apart from Eternal Flames and Eternal Flames Maddox. However, with this being the first book and some connections in the other series it seems to of created some confusion to some as to who those men are and what circumstance brought he and his mate together. Therefore, a prologue was added to this book to help the readers understand the connections to other characters as well as how Savage met the man he would call his fated one. A reader should now not have to read EF or EF Maddox to understand what is happening, however, it might help with some understanding as to backgrounds on some of the other characters if you are interested. Thank you and know we do listen to input from our readers.


Russell Savage has been around since the dawn of time. He is the original shifter and has spent most of his life fighting in one war or another as well as hoping that one day he would be blessed with a mate. Little did he expect to find him, clinging to life, as the last victim of a serial rapist and killer in Crystal, Colorado. Going on pure instinct and need, Savage whisks his mate to the place he has called home for thousands of years.


Gill wakes in a strange place, with a gorgeous stranger watching over him, explaining that he is the ultimate of shifters and Gill is his mate. All the promises Savage makes about love, safety and acceptance is something out of the romance novels Gill loves to write. However, how can he believe Savage when his own parents never offered any of the same. Little did Gill know how easy that would be but underestimating how far his family would go to get him back threatens the life Gill and Savage are trying to build.


How will Gill and Savage unravel the evil Gill’s father has started so that Gill can finally find love, peace, and paradise, in a place they call…Savage Island.

  • Book Information

    PUBLISHER: Jean-Pierre Dagenais
    RELEASE DATE: January 4, 2020
    GENRE: LGBT Erotica, Paranormal Romance
    WORD COUNT: 49,300 words
    Editor: Ann Attwood
    Cover Artist: JP Graphics Designs
    LANGUAGE: English

  • Story Excerpt

    Crystal Colorado- Wade Wells secret Black Ops War Room

           Savage stood by watching as half the men in the room worked to find one of their own, Flyer, their pilot who had been sent out on a covert mission to fly over enemy territory and gather intel, that was until his plane fell off the radar, while others kept watch on the monitors trying to find the beast that was hunting down innocent men and attacking them. This so called man, they had found out had been cursed by a tribe of Gypsies for his vicious ways and with this curse, known as the Naaldlooshii, he would slowly become the beast he was, until he died. 
    Wade, Commander of Savage’s Black Ops team, and a man he considered like a son, began screaming into the phone, pulling Savage’s attention.
           “I don’t care, damn it! After everything my men and I have done for you, the least you could do is lend me some men. Colonel—How could they—Fuck me! Colonel—God damn it!” Wade snarled, slamming the phone down. “They aren’t going to help us get to Flyer.”
           “What the fuck? Why the hell not?” Six, another of his team snapped.
           “They said we retired and therefore we’re on our own,” Wade stated with disgust.
           Savage walked up behind another of his men, Snake, who had just entered the room. “I think we found the Naaldlooshii.”
           Rory turned. “Are you sure?”
           Savage shrugged. “Donny spotted him going in the alley behind the shelter. We need to move.”
           Nodding, Rory replied, “Okay just give me a minute. We’re having a problem with the Colonel.”
           Savage turned his attention to Wade and asked? “What’s going on?”
           “They refuse to help in any way. Lansing even went so far as to say he wouldn’t help if he could because our team is a death trap,” Wade explained.
           Savage shook his head as he pursed his lips. “Let me make some calls. I think I have some guys that can help us out.”
           “Cornel Lansing said something else,” Wade said with a slight hesitation.
           Savage knew that look. It was the one that said Wade needed to tell them something he didn’t want them to know but knew they had to be informed. “What’s up, Commander?” Snake asked.
           “Lansing said they caught some chatter. The Vasquez family may know we’re coming. According to Lansing, they’ve upped their security and are on the lookout for us” Wade replied.
           Bullseye tossed a glass across the room. “How the fuck did they know we were on our way to them? The only ones that knew were right here in fucking Crystal.”
           “We have to have a mole,” Snake whispered.

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